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Cargs are a vile creation of Marco the Enslaver. These creatures were used by Marco to conquer and enslave the world.


Cargs are tall, thin creatures with skin tightly drawn over bones as strong as metal. They are extremely clever and very quick to learn. Their off-hands contain extremely sharp, oversized claws while they often wield one-handed weapons in their main hand.


Most cargs were killed during the Marco Wars, after Mygrandin Antaloose discovered an easily exploitable weakness. With cargs unable to reproduce on their own, there are very few left in the world. Those that do remain are still extremely loyal to Marco and are constantly looking for ways to revive him.

PC Info

Elanora Silverleaf shared the following document describing the cargs:


Darkness rising
The blood is found
Matched and mixed
The cargs are born

No question of loyalty
They do the bidding
Desire the power
The cargs are hungry

Magic of soul
Thirst be quenched
The power to find
The cargs are sated

DM Info


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