Session Recap - 3 April 2009

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Revision as of 00:25, 8 April 2009 by Astos (Talk | contribs)
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Session Recap
3 April 2009
Start Date 18 March 1332
End Date 19 March 1332
Adventure Locations Tomb of Anastasia, Xalo
Previous Session 27 March 2009
Next Session 10 April 2009
Image:Session Recap - 3 April 2009.png

Participating Characters

Tristram Shandy, Taliesin Caradoc, Conhar Cowmilker, Saint Exquisite, Garthen Earthmender, Mikeal Orcaleone

DM Commentary

Tomb of Anastasia

The player characters headed off right away to the Tomb of Anastasia.

The party fights against zombies and a corpse rat swarm outside of the Tomb of Anastasia.
A strange red/pinkish misty creature observes the party.
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