Session Recap - 3 August 2007

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Session Recap
3 August 2007
Start Date 16 March 1332
End Date 17 March 1332
Adventure Locations
Previous Session 20 July 2007
Next Session 3 August 2007
Image:Session Recap - 3 August 2007.png

Participating Characters

Bisquick, Daeron Elensar, Fagan von Feld, Alan Bree, Malic Citrate

In Search of Mekda

Daeron, Alan, and Malic spent their first day in Melanora searching for information on Malic's Great Uncle Mekda Flamebullion. They were unable to find any information on him, but Alan kept insisting that they keep trying.

After failing to find information on Mekda, the entire party met up at The Disorderly Dwarf, a good inn in the dwarven ward. There they ate a fine dinner with Malic downing ten roasted chickens and a number of the party daring to consume Ironstout, a particularly strong dwarven ale.

In Search of Knowledge

The player characters spent the next morning continuing to search for information concerning Mekda Flamebullion. They did find any, but that may have been because the talk of the town was the recent news from Kandor. The word was that there was some great battle in Calerise, the Golden City. The news was that much of the city was destroyed, the entire Paladin Council slain, and House Tyrell in control of the capital city and much of the country. Apparently, the attack by House Tyrell was conducted using some strange, savage creatures, but everyone in the streets had a different account of what the creatures actually were, ranging from were-baboons to ancient red dragons.

Having failed to find information about Mekda Flamebullion, the party was successful in finding information about learned folk in the city. There was not too much in the way of large public libraries in Melanora, but there was a small arcane district where much of the that type of folk congregated. There were a number of proprietorships where wizards offered their spells for hire, but the arcane district also housed the estate of one Elanora Silverleaf, a beautiful elven loremaster.

Elanora's home was defended by a pair of flesh golems, but the loremaster appeared quickly and stated her terms: 50GP for an answer to a question she could do on the spot, 1000GP per day of research for those she could not, or 1000GP per day of open discussion. The party chose the final option, emptying the party coffers.


The first questions the party had concerned Cargs. First, the loremaster reproduced one of the oldest known documents that mentioned the Cargs:


In more readable language:

Darkness rising
The blood is found
Matched and mixed
The cargs are born

No question of loyalty
They do the bidding
Desire the power
The cargs are hungry

Magic of soul
Thirst be quenched
The power to find
The cargs are sated

Elanora provided some commentary on the piece. She believed that the first stanza hinted at how the Cargs are created: that it has something to do with a certain kind of blood that is matched with another kind and mixed. She believes that Marco must have deciphered the secret and found the blood needed. She mentioned that the second stanza talked about the Cargs' undying devotion to their master and spoke of the small number of Cargs that are still alive today and how they still attempt to do Marco's bidding. She believes that the third stanza hints at the Cargs weakness, which somehow involves sating the Cargs' desires. She did not have the exact knowledge of how Mygrandin Antaloose and companions discovered the weakness or exploited it.


Elanora spoke briefly about the spellweavers, who appear to have no lasting loyalty to Marco and are much more interested in pursing magic and magic items than dealing with world conquest. With them being so alien, no direct communication has lead to any appreciable information on why they worked with Marco, but many speculate that they were getting something in return, based on the amount of autonomy they had in the world during the Tyranny of Marco. They were set aside places in the world where Marco's armies would not go. In fact, she mentioned that the area around the Cauldron Mountains was long ago home to a number of spellweavers and their ogre slaves.

She also mentioned some of the deadly capabilities of the spellweavers, including the ability to cast many spells at once.

Marco the Enslaver

The party and Elanora spoke at length about Marco the Enslaver. Initially, she spoke of his origins:

Little is known of Marco's actual origins. There has never been any evidence, documentation or otherwise, detailing where he was born or where he grew up. Even after the war, interrogations with those very few that were close to him did not know anything of his past.

During her captivity, Lanae Tence attempted to speak with Marco at length about his past and his motivations. While he would always answer her questions of motivation with desire for power, he would not speak of his past. From their conversations, Lanae believed that Marco did not gain his sorcerous powers while on Mezra.

Seven Pendants of Dira

Island of Dira

The Diran Prophecy touches on the rise and fall of Marco the Enslaver, and mentions that the man responsible for his fall would come from Dira. Attempting to avoid the latter part of the piece, Marco spent much effort in locating the island and was successful in snuffing out the life that existed there. He magically veiled the island to make it even more difficult to find and set many traps and other defenses there to prevent any future settlement.

Corrupted Dirate and the Forshantir

{{The Forshantir is an artifact that was created towards the end of the Marco Wars. Its most common usage was as a fear-causing device, but as it was made of dirate its capabilities were subject to change over time. The item came into the hands of agents of Erythnul shortly after the end of the Dei Exsilium. They were able to manipulate the corrupted dirate's powers and turn it more towards their dark god's desires. It has been used over the past 1000 years as an object of fear and destruction.

Its current capabilities include probability manipulation, fear/hate/envy instillment, demon summoning, direct offensive magic, and unshieldable divine connectivity with Erythnul's agents.

The corrupted dirate needs to be fueled in order to use its powers. When directed to do so, the item will consume the soul of any creature who dies within one mile. In addition to using these souls to fuel its fel magic, the device can also use them to expand its capabilities.}}

Meelkor the Humble

The Mysterious Tower

The Truescale Tribe

The Undelivered Letter

History of the Spikeshroud Orc Clans

Mekda Flamebullion

Examining the Forshantir

In Search of the Way In

Updated Wiki Entries

Obtained Treasure

PC Info

PC:Session Recap - 3 August 2007

DM Info

DM:Session Recap - 3 August 2007

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