Session Recap - 30 June 2007

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Session Recap
30 June 2007
Start Date 29 January 1332
End Date 8 February 1332
Adventure Locations The Mysterious Tower, Dormantown Area, Dormantown, Shroudbase
Previous Session 22 June 2007
Next Session 6 July 2007
Image:Session Recap - 30 June 2007.png

Participating Characters

Bisquick, Daeron Elensar, Fagan von Feld, Lars Blaine, Rymlli Flamebullion

Session Summary

Exploring the Mysterious Tower

This session started with the party exploring the level below the ruined keep around The Mysterious Tower. The party spends two days in the lower level with their activities focusing on killing an otyugh, a family of owlbears, and discovering an old temple to a forgotten god of humility. Inside the temple, the party battles animated coffins, skeletons, and a wight.

Daeron fails to sneak up on a sleeping owlbear:


The coffins animate and attack the party:


The party gets scared shitless by a CR3 wight:


On the second day of exploring the ruins, Rymlli, Daeron, and Lars began to have some wisps of shadow float across their skin. This condition persisted until the party was nearly back to Dormantown.

Back to Dormantown

Additionally, on the way back to Dormantown, the party came across a corpse. On the body, they found a sealed letter addressed to a Madame Losa in Shroudbase.

Fighting through a horrible snowstorm, the party arrived back in Dormantown on 2 February 1332. The party reported into the mayor what they had done while on patrol and that they had observed no orcish activity.

The party tries to find Perc Graysky to tell him about the patrol, but they learn that he has not been seen in Dormantown since after the memorial. A visit to Rosa De'Elemon ends with the party taking possession of the Forshantir (in Rymlli's possession).

To Shroudbase

After some discussion, the player characters decided to make their way towards Elvareen, in search of those that may know more about the Forshantir, the Seven Pendants of Dira, and other items. A sidetrip to Shroudbase was required to deliver the Undelivered Letter.

On the way, the party came across a recently burned-down inn and decided to follow the tracks that led away from the destruction. After a couple days travel, the tracks lead the party to an obvious bandit fort, but decide against attacking (taking note of its location for later).

On 8 February 1332, the player characters arrive in the mining village of Shroudbase, where Lars attempts to set up a meeting with Madame Losa. He is told that she is a very special lady and that meetings with her can take awhile to form.

The current talk of the town is about five children that have gone missing: Kimi Eavewalker, Hollin Hebbradan, Jurin Kreed, Savram Vade, and Mikra Jabbs.

Updated Wiki Entries


Treasure Obtained

  • Rusty Heavy Mace
  • Rusty Banded Mail
  • Heavy Steel Shield +1 (Bizquick)
  • Short Sword +1
  • Parchment
  • 4 "skeleton" keys
  • 10 Scimitars (75gp)
  • 10 Heavy Steel Shields (100gp)
  • 10 Wooden Statues (Bizquick)
  • Golden Breastplate (500gp)
  • Metal Helmet
  • Gloves
  • Bracers
  • Wooden Longsword +2 (Daeron)
  • 7 Molded/Stiffened Leather
  • 2 Rusted Chain Mail
  • 70pp
  • 375gp
  • 100sp
  • 16cp

Player-submitted Commentary

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